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Brief Introduction Of China Language Institute

2018年12月27日 15:05  点击:[]

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Since the year 2005, Xiamen Huaxia University and Illinois Central College have established constant communication and solid relationship. In June, 2013, the milstone event for two parties’ further collaboration is the signing ceremony of jointly establishing China Language Institute, aiming at continuing two parties’ international project and promoting traditional Chinese culture. In return, President of Xiamen Huaxia University, Wang Xiaoru was invited to attend the inauguration of China Language Institute at ICC.

China Language Institute is one of the extensive programs with ICC. Its branch office is located at the main campus of ICC, facilitating ICC faculties and students, social organizations, other local educational institutes and community members with Chinese learning opportunities. Plus, China Language Institute also offers Chinese students at ICC with multiple services such as consultation, ads and volunteering.

Under the agreement, Xiamen Huaxia University adopts the means of sending exchanging students and scholars as well as opening summer camps to benefit both schools. The branch office of China Language Institute at Huaxia campus, relying on her superior educational resources, has received three delegations, nearly 12 ICC exchange students who participate in traditional Chinese language and cultural courses including language, calligraphy, pottery art, taichi, cultural trips and so forth. Moreover, Huaxia’s China language institute office has brought in nearly 10 ICC exchanging scholars to input their educational insight and has sent a dozen of Huaxia’s English teachers to ICC for Chinese language teaching and Chinese textbook compiling.

In terms of future development, deeper cooperation associated with Sino-U.S. language cultural exchanging, jointly major constructing, regular personnel visits, school-company cooperation and so forth. It is believed to both benefit Huaxia faculties’ intellectual growth and students’ overseas training.





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