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2014年05月04日 16:19 厦门华厦学院 点击:[]





  What's your purpose or what will you do in the US?

  What do you intend to do in the United States?

  Why do you want to go to the US?


  Which university do you plan to attend?

  Why did you choose the school?

  What do you think of …university?


  How long do you plan to stay in America?

  How long will you stay in US?


  How many schools did you apply for?


  Why do you choose this major?

  Which major?

  Which degree will you pursue in America?

  What will you study in the United States?

  What is your major?

  In what aspect of your major will you study?

  What will you do in US?

  Why did you choose…as your major?

  Please explain in detail why you chose… university in academic standards

  Can you give a real-life example of your topic?


  How do you know about this school?

  Why do you receive financial aid from...university?


  What do you do in China now?


  How can you afford to pay that sum of money?

  How much is your monthly salary?

  What kinds of scholarship will the school offer you?

  How much is your parents' salary?

  What do you parents do?


  How much will you earn after graduation?

10、     托福和GRE以及GMAT成绩

  What is your TOEFL and GRE or GMAT score?

11、     家庭的纽带

  What does your spouse do?

  Are you married?

  What do your parents do?

12、     毕业后的工作打算

  What will you do after you get your degree?

  What are you going to do after your graduation?

  What are you going to do after you get your degree?

13、     政治观点

  What is your opinion about Sino-US relations?

  Are you against the US?

14、     出国经历

  Have been abroad?

  What countries have been to?

15、     拒签原因

  Do you know why you were denied last time?

16、     是否要求更换面试签证官

  Do you agree to let other officer deal with your application?





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