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2013年11月06日 17:27 厦门华厦学院 点击:[]


1021日,来自美国伊利诺伊中心学院(ICC)的英语外教Stan Mendenhall先生,在俊秀厅与校长王小如一起观看了我校与厦门大学音乐系联合主办的“弦歌一堂——之音乐会。以下是来自Stan先生的观后感——

Xiamen University students performance at Xiamen Huaxia College


On the evening of October 21st , I had the privilege of attending a performance by students from the  musical arts program at Xiamen University at the auditorium at Xiamen Huaxia College.


The ten numbers ranged from a string quartet, a violin solo, solo and duet singing performances, as well as a lute performance. The theme of the evening was traditional Chinese folk music, although the string quartet did include a number by Robert Schumann.


The students’ talent and versatility was apparent. As the string quartet prepared for its second number, a member had difficulty tuning his instrument. To prevent a dead space, the fist violin gave a stirring impromptu solo. His virtuosity was rewarded by a rousing hand of applause from the audience.


Although I do not speak Chinese, the strong powerful vocals by two young ladies needed no translation. Their songs were filled with hope for a bright future, especially carried out in the duet, “The Sunshine Road.” The lute vocal solo presented a more somber rendition of a Chinese folk song.


It was indeed a privilege and pleasure to attend a performance by such talented students.

Stan Mendenhall


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